Visions of the future: formal verification in Rust

In response to a recent Boats article, I mentioned that Rust’s type system drastically changes things for verification. This comment seems to have aro… Read more →

ПП-BESM: Progress Report 2

Sadly since my first post almost two years ago I haven’t found the time or energy to write more about the work I was doing on the BESM language. Howev… Read more →

ПП-BESM: Progress Report

When I wrote my first post on ПП-BESM, I hadn’t mentioned that I’d already started and made serious progress on my project. In this post I’ll give a q… Read more →


In February, my friend @moe came to visit me for a couple weeks. While he was here we talked about programming language design, unicode and the impact… Read more →

This week in Ill: Error Messages

For the past week I’ve been going through a phase of tech-debt cleannup in Ill. One of the objectives is to come up with a unified type for compiler p… Read more →

Debugging your own language

For the past year, I’ve been working on writing my own functional programming language. It’s taught me a lot already, and there’s still a lot more to … Read more →

why compilers

For the past year I’ve been introduce project purpose of ill pedagogical good error messages strict semantics? optional semantics current state… Read more →